
I'm brilliant. This blog-reading tool says so.

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Unlike Fruit Femme, I don't view this as a marker of inaccessibility as much as I view it as a marker of my clear blogging superiority.

On the other hand, I'm sure there are MySpace pages with the "genius" designation. So that takes the wind out of my sails.

My First New-Job-Related Post

Everyone should go buy December's issue of American Prospect. It has a group of articles on the "Politics of Pre-K" in the current Dec 07 issue. One of the articles is about how Illinois became a model state in political coalition-building around early childhood education. This is pretty much what I am learning about and working on daily, and I found it to be a useful primer.

And since I know everyone as endlessly fascinated with me and my daily life as I am, I thought it might be interesting to share.

My boss was interviewed for the article, but they didn't end up quoting him directly. They do mention my organization.

I don't want to post it here, but I actually have an email version of the article, so let me know if someone wants to read it. The Prospect.org website requires that you have a subscription in order to read the whole article. Actually, I may commit a mass emailing, so people might get the article regardless of if they want it or not.

The issue of early childhood education is sort of more exciting than I initially thought it would be, if only because I get to read about it in the political magazines to which I'm addicted, and on which I waste so much money.